Thursday, May 04, 2023

Life at 38...

I started my obligatory "it's my birthday" blog post a few days ago. It was lengthy, chronicling the massive and (mostly) amazing changes that I've experienced in my life over the last few years. This was in stark contrast from a conversation that I had at my 25th birthday party, where I told a friend that I didn't think it was likely that I would live to see my 35th birthday. As I approached the end of the post, I re-read it and thought to myself that it sounded repetitive. Nothing wrong with a little reflection, it helps me appreciate how far I've come and the blessings that have been sent my way. But, sometimes I feel like I might spend a little TOO much time looking in that rearview mirror. I also want to look forward at the coming year(s), what will life have in store? 

We just celebrated with Jack as he turned SEVEN months old. Seven! I feel like I've embraced that role of being a dad. Not just a father, but a DAD. How could a man like me, who couldn't even care for himself, be fairly successful at raising and caring for a child? A HAPPY child at that?! He knows he is safe, clothed (very cutely, of course), and well-fed. He has a safe space to develop this cute little personality he is starting to create. Of course, this is all possible because I have an amazing partner in crime with Megan. She is a great mom. She is single-handedly responsible for making sure that the "behind the scenes" things are being handled. His clothes are clean, he has a fresh supply of diapers and wipes, and a substantial stock of milk in the fridge. Jack obviously loves his Momma and loves getting Mom cuddles (even if it includes a random tug on the hair). It would be remiss of me to not acknowledge that we also have a small army of supportive friends and family who are very instrumental in caring for Jack. This lifestyle would not be possible without them, especially his "gaggle of grandmas" that care for him while we work. With him turning seven months old, of COURSE that means we already have a spotlight on his first birthday. October may seem like a stretch away, but it will be here before you know it!

God willing, Megan and I will celebrate our second wedding anniversary. What do we have planned? Who knows. I haven't really thought that far ahead, but I'm sure it will be a special one. Megan and I have been through a lot over the last year. Raising a child and a pug, trying to maintain our sanity at our jobs, and making time for ourselves... it can be a lot. We've managed to do it, however, with minimal "squabbling."

While I may grumble and groan occasionally, I do love my job and am grateful for the experience that I'm getting. If things continue in the direction they are, I will (hopefully) have enough hours to test for my LCSW by this time next year.

So what else is in store? A new house? A growing family? Changes in career paths? Who knows, but I'm excited for it. I'm glad that 25-year-old John was wrong and that I DID make it to my 35th birthday... and beyond. Hell, it looks like I might even make it to 45!

Monday, January 02, 2023


With young Jack nestled into his crib, and Clarice all cozy under our comforter... Megan and I climbed into bed long before midnight. We barely made it until the ball dropped in Times Square before we zonked out and called it a year. We woke up briefly to the sounds of "happy new year" text messages from random friends and family... we leaned over, gave each other a new year peck and passed back out. Even though we were supposed to wake up at 5:30 (trying to get back into our old schedules), I enabled us to sleep in for just a bit longer. As we got up to start our day, 01/01/23 didn't feel a whole lot different than the last 90 days before it. So, how is 2023 going to be different than 2022? That decision is solely up to me. Here are some of the things, in no particular order, that I would like to happen in the new year. I won't call 'em resolutions per se, maybe goals or inspirations. In 2023, I want...

to be a more diligent writer...
This year, I'm going to renew my dedication to pay more attention to my writing. That (hopefully) means more blog entries as well as utilizing my handy dandy journal more often. It's a super nice journal, that (so far) I've only used to write about our honeymoon adventures in Georgia. I've always felt that writing via pen and paper has always "meant" more. It takes time to write that way and you have to be more intentional with your writing. You can't just hit the "delete" button. So, there should be more of that intentional writing in 2023.

to take at least ONE road trip...
Life with an infant and a pug will complicate things, but absolutely nothing is impossible if you put your mind to it. Where might we go? Dallas? Denver? A return to Georgia? Megan's inaugural visit to Utah. Shortly after Dad passed away, I started knocking around the idea of renting one of those smaller RV's. I could pack up my fam and my dog, and hit the road. I think that would be a blast. That might take a little more planning and strategizing, so I might have to set my sights a little lower first. Dallas? Houston? Denver?

to lose some WEIGHT...
I have given excuses for faaaarrrrr too long. First it was "meh, I'm school" and then it was "meh, my wife is pregnant." Now I'm no longer in school and my wife is no longer pregnant and I feel so gross. My goal is to lose like 95 pounds before the end of the year, that's like 8 pounds a month. That is SUPER achievable, if I can just stay disciplined and focused.

to take advantage of my time at work to LEARN...
January 18th will mark my one-year anniversary with Northcare. I've been a therapist nearly that whole time. A little over a week before my anniversary, I'll start my new position within NC as an outpatient team lead. I'll still get to work as a therapist, but part of my job will now be providing clinical supervision for a team of therapists, case managers and peer recovery support specialists. Before I started working at NC, I told myself that I was just going to view my time with the agency as an extension of school. While I'm under supervision, I need to take these opportunities to learn and take in all the experiences. This new position just opens additional doors and learning opportunities.

to enjoy my time with my family and friends...
Work can be rough. It's mentally and emotionally draining. It can be difficult to NOT bring some of that home. I'm going to try my hardest to make sure that I'm appropriately managing my time. Work is work, but my time is MY time. I'm going to reward myself by enjoying time with my wife, my son, my family, my pug, and those closest to me.

Those sound like some pretty good goals? Inspirations? Here's to 2023. May the odds be ever in my favor...