When John Cloud was just a young boy, about the age of 14 or 15, he decided he thought the world of politics was pretty damned interesting. Being born and raised in Oklahoma, he was heavily influenced that the "Grand Ole Party" was the way to go. Republicans through and through. Elephants 4 LYFE! For the school newspaper, he even held an impartial (HA!) poll on picture day on who Moore West Jr. High would elect for president, GWB or Al Gore. GWB won hands down. He remembers feeling disgust towards those who would vote for Gore... eeewww... a democrat.
Okay, okay. Enough third person shit...
But as I reached voting age, I started this weird habit where I started actually THINKING for myself. My thoughts on capital punishment, LGBTQ rights, pro-choice, etc. put me far more in line with the Democratic party than it did the Republicans. So I jumped in headfirst. It just so happened to be around the time of the 2004 presidential election, and I thoughtfully researched the slew of Democratic candidates there were to pick from. General Wesley Clark was a favorite of mine, I also liked John Kerry and Al Sharpton. But then I found... John Edwards. He was a handsome, well-spoken senator from North Carolina. He supported LGBTQ rights, was pro-choice, was not in favor of a long war in Iraq and a slew of other policy issues that I agreed with. I had found "my guy." I even almost put his bumper sticker on my Mustang! Sadly, he withdrew from the race. He eventually became the Democrat's choice for vice president with John Kerry. They lost and we got GWB for another four years. He ran again in 2008, but was eclipsed quickly by both Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. He didn't stand a snowball's chance in hell. But I still liked him, a lot. I followed his political career and hoped he would stay a prominent figure... until Rielle Hunter came along.
Just kidding, I don't blame Ms. Hunter in this whatsoever, but that was just a good segue. Shortly after he dropped out, news broke that he had been involved in an extramarital affair with Rielle Hunter. I think I remember they even had a child together. That alone is absolutely horrible. But then you add on to the fact that he cheated on his wife, while she was dying from cancer. You don't get much lower than that. Lower than low.
I have strong opinions on cheating. You can ask anyone. They destroy families, wreck lives and hurt a LOT! I speak from experience...Anyways, I dropped Edwards like a bad habit. I may have liked a lot of his stances on policy, but his behavior was abhorrent. That was that. I walked away, it was done. We broke up. It was over with. I told him to come get his shit and never talk to me again.
So... to make the connection to current events, why can't Trump supporters make that decision? Why don't they see the absolutely HORRID things he has done? Cut him loose! Say enough is enough! Unhitch your buggie (is that the saying??) from him and move the Hell on! I actually knew a small handful of people who have done this. They admit they voted for him. They don't feel good about it. They've learned what an absolute knob-job he is and they changed their minds. This is America! You have the right to learn things and change your mind if you learn something new that you don't like. I'll never understand. The man is officially out of office, he has no power anymore and can't do anything for you. He never would've done anything for you if he was STILL in his office. But he still has those avid, cult-like fans. Let him go. Move on. He's an asshat, and idolizing him makes you look like an asshat too.