Friday, April 10, 2020

Quarantine N Chill...

It has been 99 days since the last time that I posted. Yikes. Sorry about that...

At about the 30 day mark, I was thinking that the BIGGEST change in life would be the fact that Megan and I had made the decision to take an "until further notice" break from going out to the movies almost every weekend. This was due to the fact that we were at the AMC theater in Penn Square during a shooting and it, needless to say, left a bad taste in our mouths. We were fine... but we had a pretty bad case of movie theater PTSD.

Life continued. We still went to work. We eventually did make it back to the movie theater... a DIFFERENT movie theater. It was a one-time thing, a special event with a friend. It was totally worth it, but we were still a-ok with not going. I started my SECOND semester of grad school. It's been a doozy, but I've enjoyed it overall. I've started the process of getting ready to do practicum work in the summer. It should be a fun and exciting experience (hopefully).

At about the 60 day mark, the anxiety-inducing feelings that came along with that event started to subside. We readjusted to our "new normal" and found out new things to do on weekends. It was nice too, because it helped put some money back in our pockets.. which was desperately needed since we had FINALLY MOVED IN TOGETHER. We wound up finding a cute little house in Moore. I moved in at the end of February, she moved in a few weeks later. It's a great house in a great neighborhood. It's just overall a really good fit. We seem to be pretty happy. It hasn't been a PERFECT transition, but most of that is due to situations that are definitely out of our hands. 

At about... oh, I dunno, like the 80 day mark, we've had plenty of new words thrown into our everyday vocabulary. "COVID," "CORONAVIRUS," "SOCIAL DISTANCING," "SELF-ISOLATION," "FAUCI.," "PANDEMIC."  All words that I didn't think I'd be using on a fairly regular basis. A new virus first hit the states in late February, early March. Things really changed in Oklahoma on March 16th. Firstep initiated some pretty strict lockdown protocol. Megan started working from home. We haven't been able to see our families, for fear of unknowingly spreading the virus to them. They encourage wearing masks in public. Over 100,000 people have died worldwide since this whole ordeal has started. There have been 88 deaths in Oklahoma. There are just sometimes it seems like something out of a bad horror film. We all just kinda seem to do what we can day-in and day-out, hoping that eventually we'll find some sort of "normal" again.

So... here we are at 99 days later. Some experts are starting to see a light at the end of the tunnel. People are starting to get cautiously optimistic. We are doing what we can to "flatten the curve," but still manage to live a "normal" life. Megan and I worked today, I got home and napped and then we picked up some dinner and watched some wrestling. We are SO fortunate. So blessed. There are millions of people out there who have lost their jobs because of this. There are thousands of people out there who have died because of this. If the only thing I face is an inconvenience because I have to wear a mask in public? Or an inability to visit places I love, like Vintage Stock or Best Buy? Hell yeah, I'm blessed.

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