Wednesday, April 29, 2020

The Quarantine Cut...

An unforeseen circumstance to a worldwide pandemic is the need to close the majority of businesses that serve the public to limit exposure. That means restaurants, movie theaters, gyms, retail stores like Best Buy or JC Penney... and hair salons. When local and state governments made the move to shut stuff down, it was like March 16th-ish, and I wasn't QUITE in dire need of a cut yet... but man, was I close. I thought I had the tenacity to tough it out and make it until stuff started re-opening. "I'd be glad to cut your hair, if you want," Megan kept offering. I would violently shake my head in protest. Nope. She'd botch the job and I'd wind up hating her forever (okay, that may be a bit dramatic, but you get the point).

A month in and my hair was getting quite woolly. As soon as it started doing that annoying thing where it was going over my ears and curling, I had had enough. I snapped. I started making comments about being willing to just buzz it off myself. The buzz cut was NOT a good look on me, I looked like a fat fuzz ball or a real life version of Bobby from "King of the Hill..." but I was willing. Megan would gently remind me that her offer still stood. What did I have to lose? If she DID botch it, I was already to the point where I was willing to buzz it... so I could just chop it off. So here goes nothing.

We got the clippers from my parents and set up shop in our bathroom. Megan went to town. I offered very little help, other than to give her a hard time and make panicky/sobby faces or occasionally throwing out a random chuckle or whimper. There was some discussion on where to do the fade. Lower? Or higher up? Whoa... that's high. I look like I'm in the military now. :-) It was a challenge to make sure sideburns and stuff were even, but she did pretty dang good. Just one random buzz on the back of my head, where she took it too close... but even that isn't that bad. I had a coworker today tell me today that it just looked like a natural bald spot. NO! I'M NOT BALD! lol

After it was all said and done... the cut looked good and felt GREAT! There was hair E.V.E.R.Y.W.H.E.R.E.  We definitely learned a few things that we would do differently IF we have to do thing. It'll probably be a buzz cut. It's getting done in the garage. Shake the towels/clothes off in the trash can instead of throwing them (full of hair) directly into the washing machine. Once we got cleaned up and rested... I was quite pleased with my new quarantine cut. Megan was quite pleased with herself. This was just another example of how I'm pretty fortunate to have an awesome partner to "self isolate" with.

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