Sunday, January 21, 2018

It's The Best Medicine...

How can this video NOT make you laugh?! Moreso than the actual content of his jokes, Anderson Cooper's laugh and his complete inability to control his laughter is funnier than anything else in the video.

Over the last 55 days, I've changed. The most obvious change, of course, is that I'm completely and 100% sober... physically, mentally and spiritually. Another is my openness and willingness. I accept advice from people I would've previously scoffed at or volunteered to do chores/tasks that would otherwise make my stomach turn. I'm trying my best to make gratitude an essential part of my life and be grateful for everything that I have and everything that I'm experiencing. I'm growing to be able to enjoy life. Life is GOOD. Just because I'm not winning the lottery (maybe someday...) or have all of my wants fulfilled right NOW, things are still really awesome. I'm happy, I'm somewhat healthy, my NEEDS are definitely met, I have a roof over my head and a very full belly. Unlike a lot of people, I have friends and family who love me and want to see me succeed.

The other night, I was coming home from a long and frustrating evening in the office. It was one of those rare (they haven't happened often since being at FIRSTEP) where I've found myself cranky and not really wanting to talk or deal with people in general. I could feel that desire seeping back in, to crawl into some dark hole and just enjoy some quiet time. When I opened the door to my dorm, even though it was fairly late, the room was full of life. The guys were all up and around, having a good time. A couple of new guys were getting settled in and chatting with some of the older guys about their experiences here so far. I was pulled into several conversations and, within a minute or so, found myself laughing so hard that I began to cry. I was cracking silly jokes, enjoying some fun horseplay and just being goofy. I wasn't some hopeless, lifeless alcoholic that was confined to some cold and sterile rehab center without a soul. I was with friends, guys who were quickly becoming my family and enjoying LAUGHTER. We weren't worried about court situations, money problems or any of the issues that got us here in the first place.

I was just about to write something along the lines of making it a possible SIXTH suggestion or even a 13th step when I remembered that someone already beat me to the punch... in AA, they will often refer to "rule 62," which is "don't take yourself too seriously." Yeah, there are plenty of things in life that are super serious and we need to face like adults, but there is absolutely NOTHING in the Big Book against enjoying a little bit of silliness now and again...

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